Hello, I'm Zihao Zheng

Bay Area, California

Junior Full-Stack Web Developer

My Projects


Inspired by Flickr & Unsplash, welcome everyone to share their beautiful photos.

(#React, #Python, #Flask, #Bootstrap)
Yelp Camp

A full-stack Node.js web application project from the Udemy course

(#Node.js, #MongoDB, #Express, #HTML/CSS,Javascript)

Provide the current weather status by user enter the city.

(#React.js, #MongoDB, #Express #Third-Party-Api)
Simple Tool Bar

Simple tool bar contain a Currency Converter & Weather weather prediction

(#React.js, #HTML/CSS/JavaScript #Third-Party-Api)

Skills & Tools

About Me

As a user of web-pages, I’ve always been interested in Web Development. A creative web-page can engage the user.I used to work in a traditonal media company, and the trend of media has been changing into digital.

To learn the magic of web-development is become a Full-stack Web Developer. So,I chose the Web Development Immersive Program in General Assembly. Diving into a new career is not easy. I enjoyed everything I learned and created, it was so excited to see my creation deploy successfully.

Let's make the web better together

Contact Me: zihao.zheng12@gmail.com